Our Crew
Core Team
Thodoris Tsimpidis (Greece)
Honorary Researcher of Marine Conservation
Anastasia Miliou (Greece)
Scientific Director
Hydrobiologist, Greek Ambassador in the EU for Sustainable Maritime Policy
Beatriz Tintoré (Spain)
Head of Marine Mammal Research
Doctoral Researcher in Marine Biology & Biological Oceanography, Brunel University London
Dr Tim Grandjean (Netherlands)
Head of Deep Sea Conservation & GIS Research
Researcher in Coastal Ecosystems, NIOZ, Netherlands
Laura Macrina (Italy)
Head of Marine Ecology Research
Doctoral Researcher, KAUST, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Marie Cigarroa (France)
Research Assistant, Aegean Marine Life Sanctuary
MSc in Environment & Sustainable Development, Université de Montréal
Charlie Hamblin (UK)
Marine Mammal Research Assistant
MSc of Science in Animal Behaviour, University of Exeter
Sam Tofts (UK)
GIS Research Assistant
MSc Sustainable Development: Environmental Change and Ecosystems, Utrecht University
Maurice Calton-Seal (UK) Marine Ecology Research Assistant
BSc Biology, University of Leeds
Vasilis Sarantou (Greece)
Captain & Head of Technical Operations
Periklis Koxilas (Greece)
Captain & Technical Operations
Jenny Wakefield (UK) Marine Ecology Research Assistant
Msci Marine Biology with Proficiency in Spanish, University of Exeter
Tristan van Laar (The Netherlands) Terrestrial Research Assistant
BSc Biology, University of Southamption, MSc Evolutionary Biology, Universiteit Leiden
Karine Vigreux (France) Marine Mammal Research Assistant
MSc in Biodiversity and Environment, University of Paris PSL
Olivier Eikelenboom (The Netherlands) Marine Mammal Research Assistant
BSc Coastal and Marine Management, Van Hall Larenstein
Scientific Advisors
Dr. Rupert Perkins (UK)
Senior Lecturer of Marine Bioscience, Cardiff University, UK
Senior Lecturer of Marine Bioscience, Cardiff University, UK
Dr. Tom Cameron (UK)
Lecturer of Animal Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour, University of Essex, UK
Fisheries Ecology Expert
Dr. Petros Babasikas (Greece)
Director, HBAAS, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landcape, and Design, University of Toronto
Cpt. Nikos Plakas (Greece)
Shipping Risk Management Expert
Dr. Danny Morick (Israel)
Marine veterinary medicine
Morris Kahn Marine Research Station, University of Haifa, Israel
Dr. Marta Azzolin (Italy)
Lecturer at Turin University, Italy
Marine Mammal Accoustics Expert, President of Gaia Research Institute
Dr. Valentina Costa (Italy)
Researcher of Marine Biologist and Ecologist, University of Aveiro , Portugal
Marine and Coastal Ecology Expert
Dr. Pavlos Eleftheriadis (Greece)
Professor of Public Law and a Fellow, University of Oxford, UK
Planning and Environmental Law Expert
Dr. Ronny Steen (Norway)
Researcher at Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Ornithological Research Expert
Mr. T David Schofield Jr. (USA)
Cetacean Behavior, Acclimation and Transport Consultant
Cetacean Behavior, Acclimation and Transport Consultant
Dr Guido Pietroluongo (Italy)
Marine Mammal Veterinarian
DVM (Doctor in Veterinary Medicine), Teramo University, Italy
Maurizio Ingrosso (Italy)
Marine Mammal/ Fisheries Researcher
Doctoral Researcher, University of Bari, Italy
Hayley Mcilwraith
Microplastics Researcher
Doctoral Researcher in microplastic pollution, Plymouth Marine Laboratory & University of East Anglia
Alice Malcolm-McKay (UK)
Researcher in Deep Sea Conservation
Researcher in Deep Sea Conservation
Konstantis Alexopoulos (Greece)
GIS Research Assistant
Doctoral Researcher, Cambridge University
Anton Leach (New Zealand)
Producer/Director Clawed Hat Films
Jasmine Duthie (New Zealand)
Producer/Director Clawed Hat Films
Andrea Tome Perez (Spain)
Marine Mammal Research Assistant
MSc. Biodiversity, Conservation and Evolution, University of Valencia, Spain
Marine Mammal Research Team
Chelsey Hughes (UK)
Photo ID Research Intern
Bsc Marine Geography, Cardiff University
Camille Chevalier (France ) Research Intern
Engineering school, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers
Samuel Skudder (UK) Fish Acoustics Research Intern
MSc Applied Aquatic Biology, University of Portsmouth
Irja Hellemaa-Windfeldt (Finland) Research Intern
BSc Marine Biology, Bangor University
Aila Kuhn (Germany) Research Intern
BSc Biology, Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg
Sàra Roszik (Hungary) Skin Lesions on the Grampus Griseus Research Intern
MSc Ecology Evolutionary and Conservation Biology , Eötvös Loránd University
Kate Lees (UK) Research Intern
BA Hons Global Development, University of York
Trinity Assels (USA) Scorpion Fish Bioacoustics Research Intern
BSc Marine Science, Coastal Carolina University
Ashlin Donaldson (New Zealand) Interactions between fisheries and Delphinus delphis Research Intern
BSc Ecology, University of Otago
Leah Worthington (UK) Research Intern
BSc Wildlife Conservation, Liverpool John Moores University
Kate Labarre (Canada) The Characteristics of Habitats used for Foraging by the Striped Dolphin Research Intern
BSc Biology, Sherbrooke university
Joost Drent (The Netherlands) Research Intern
Environment Researcher, Aeres MBO Leeuwarden
Darcy Atkinson (UK) Research Intern
BSc Zoology, University of Newcastle
Louis Bowhill (UK) Research Intern
BSc Marine Geography, Cardiff University
Élodie Michel (Canada) Research Intern
BSc Biology, University of Sherbrooke
Noé Reich (France) Research Intern
BSc Engineering, Institut Agro Rennes-Anger
Alexandra Paquette (Canada) Research Intern
BSc Biology, University of Sherbrooke
GIS & Remote Sensing Team
Tony Poitevineau (France) Research Intern in Spatial Data
MSc Degree Networking and Systems, ESIR
Nelson Krebs (Germany) Coastal Erosion Research Intern
BSc Environmental and Geo-Information Management, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
Alonso Gonzalez (Mexico) Coastal Erosion Research Intern
Geospatial Technologies, University of Münster
Victor Bibeau (Canada) Research Intern
BSc Biology, University of Sherbrooke
Noémie Fauchon (Canada) Research Intern
Geomatics Applied to the Environment, University of Sherbrooke
Marine Ecology Research Team
Loïc Rimlinger (France) Research Intern
MSc General Engineering School, CESI Engineering School
Eliza Demacopoulos (USA) Anthropogenic Factors impacting Seagrass Health and Blue Carbon Accumulation
BSc Environmental Studies , Fordham University
Arlet Escorihuela Perez (Spain) Coastal Ecology Intern
BSc Biotechnology, Universitat Autonoma Barcelona
Silvia Giacomello (Italy) Longterm Aegean Fish Biodiversity Research Intern
MSc Global Change Ecology, University of Bologna
Antonia Orlinova Hristova (Bulgaria) Tracking the Spread of Invasive Sea Urchins Research Intern
BSc Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge
Kent Rapier (USA) Endangered Species ID Guide Research Intern
BSc Marine Biology, UC Santa Cruz
Alex Poels (The Netherlands) Lionfish and Groupers over Temporal and Spatial Scale Research Intern
BSc Biology with Specialisation in Ecology Radboud University
Island Biodiversity Research Team
Kai Nieuwenhuis (the Netherlands) Inventory of insects in the region Research Intern
Applied Biology, Yuverta
Kai van Loo (The Netherlands) Inventory of Flora in the Region Research Intern
Applied Biology, Yuverta
Xaver Kramer (Germany) Stone Martin Research Intern
BSc Biology, University of Cologne
Daniël Verdooren (The Netherlands) Jackal Research Intern
MSc Forest and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University & Research
Bettina Kaczur (Hungary ) Research Intern
MSc Ecology evolutionary and conservation biology , Eötvös Loránd University
Micol Genazzi (Switzerland) Research Intern
MSc Nature Conservation, Czech University of Life Sciences
Media & Education Team
Beatrice Noakes (UK)
Media & Communications
BSc Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Science, The University of the West of England
Julia den Ridder (The Netherlands) Media & Communications
BSc Graphic Design, Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam
Law & Policy and Microplastics Team
Orlane Da Silva (France) Research Intern
MSc Engineering school, Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métiers
Vasiliki Klouva (Greece) Law and Policy Intern
BSc in Biology, American College of Thessaloniki
Ben Bragg (UK) Law/Terrestrial Intern
BSc Environmental Geography, Cardiff University
Keira Cassidy (Canada) Law and Policy Intern
BA&Sc Sustainability, Science and Society, McGill University