The “Interactions between Marine Mammals and Fisheries, case studies from the Eastern Aegean and the Levantine Sea” is the subject of Archipelagos’ new publication as a chapter of CIESM latest Monograph (no 50) just published by CIESM – Mediterranean Science Commission(
In this publication we summarize the interactions between various marine mammal species and the different fisheries practices. The results have been recorded and collected over the past 20 years of Archipelagos’ research in various parts of the NE Mediterranean, in close cooperation with the fisheries organisations and communities. By comprehending the true extent of the problem, our aim is to develop tangible management solutions for the problems caused by these interactions, in the increasingly poor and overexploited Mediterranean Sea.
As stated by CIESM Director General, Frederic Briand, “Marine researchers could learn a lot by sharing their experience with fishermen … and vice versa. Forging such new alliances yields different perspectives on marine “socio-ecosystems” and can provide effective responses in the co-management of a number of major issues”
See the full text of the publication here
You can read an overview of the CIESM Monograph no 50 “Engaging marine scientists and fishers to share knowledge and perceptions – An overview” here