The collaboration between the French organisation UNDER THE POLE, which specialises in scientific diving at depths of more than 100 metres, and the Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation, aims to find an effective protection for the corals in the deep waters of the Aegean Sea. 

These ecosystems of fundamental importance and unique beauty were, until recently, almost unknown in our seas. Taking advantage of the rare clarity of the Greek seas, and thus the ability of light to penetrate to great depths, coral ecosystems in the Aegean are found at depths of 70-250 metres – in contrast to their counterparts in, for example, the western Mediterranean, which are found at 40-150 metres, or tropical reefs found in shallow coastal waters. 

Because of the great depths the coral ecosystems of the Aegean can be found in, they are safer from the destructive influence of humans and from the effects of climate change. But we have already recorded extensive, irreversible, anthropogenic destruction in many areas of the Aegean. Our goal is to map and institutionalise their protection, preventing total destruction. 

The DEEPLIFE action of the French organisation UNDER THE POLE in collaboration with the Archipelagos Institute for Marine Conservation is an official programme of the United Nations Decade of the Oceans.