The completion of the Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Key Habitats and Non-Indigenous Species, that was organised by UNEP/MAP – SPA RAC, The Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas of the UN Environment Programme, in Antalya, Turkey.

The symposium had the participation of research organisations from all over the Mediterranean.
Archipelagos Institute took part with four new scientific publications, in relation to the long-term studies conducted on the distribution, health and ecosystem services of the Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows as well as on the protected species Pinna nobilis, The Nobel Pen Shell, the populations of which are currently in dramatic decline due to the effects of a parasite. The aim of this research is to explore the interconnectedness between climate change, human This conference offered specialists a platform to present their research on the management, conservation and restoration of the Mediterranean Sea, and represented a chance for scientific organisations to develop new synergies for the protection of Mediterranean, from the increasing human threats.

Archipelagos’ principle is to use science as a tool of quantifying environmental problems, so that research can then be followed by targeted conservation actions


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