Adapting to the special conditions of the time, the Archipelagos Institute continues an action which has been going on for 24 years, online, during which it offers non-profit lessons and activities of environmental education in schools. The aim was and is to inform and prepare the new inhabitants of the islands about the problems that our generation has created, and they will inherit and will need to solve in order to survive. But apart from this reflection, Archipelagos also wishes to inspire the children, giving them information about the nature and the sea around their own island.

As part of this renewed action, last week the Archipelagos Institute met online with the 10 students of the Primary School of Sikinos. Prior to the meeting, the teachers, in collaboration with the Sikinos Cultural Association, set up a special environmental information board at the school, displaying the material sent to them by the Archipelagos Institute in order to prepare for the online event.
Broadcasting from the Aegean Explorer vessel located in the port of Lipsi, researchers of the Institute talked to the children and answered their many and very relevant questions.
It is particularly hopeful that after this online meeting, the students of Sikinos take initiative, recognizing that they are the future residents and administrators of this special place!
Below is an excerpt from the students’ group work:

“…then we realized that the dangers for marine organisms are many. Oil spills from maritime accidents, bottom-up debris, overfishing, fishermen’s nets and boat anchors. But the biggest danger is us humans.
That is why we decided to create a group that will organize meetings to collect waste from the beaches and that will inform, make recommendations and give advice to those who do not follow the rules of environmental protection. In addition, we will start to record in a diary the alien species we find in our waters, remarkable information about marine life, rules we follow to reduce environmental pollution and in general all the actions of our team. We would like to thank you very much for the useful information you have given us and we promise you that we will change our habits and behaviour towards the environment. We look forward to the joining you on your boat!!!
With love,
The students of Sikinos Primary School! ”
Of course, the goal is, as soon as the conditions due to the pandemic allow it, for Aegean Explorer with the people of Archipelagos Institute to be close again to the islands and their inhabitants, offering its conservation and awareness-raising actions on site.

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