My name is Yassir Elbashir, and I’m part of the media team. I decided to join Archipelagos because I wanted to try photography and videography in a new field and gain experience while working abroad. While searching for internships, Archipelagos was recommended to me by a friend. I have been at Archipelagos for 3 months and have 2 months left on my placement. I am here as part of my pursuit of a B.A. in media production at Bournemouth University in the U.K.

At Archipelagos, I use my knowledge and skills of videography and photography. During surveys, everything is fast-paced. It was a challenge for me at first because I’m used to scripted material, where I can carefully plan each shot. Here, I am

constantly looking for a good shot – if I hesitate, I might miss it.

Currently, I am producing short videos for the Marine Conservation projects. At the moment I am in the process of editing the video for the Posidonia oceanica project. The video will highlight the importance of Posidonia oceanica to the marine life at the threats the Posidonia faces. It will also cover the research carried out by the Marine Conservation team at Archipelagos.

I have also started planning the video for the Invasive Species project. This video will explain what an invasive species is, the reasons they might leave their native habitat and the effects they have on the habitats they migrate to. It will also cover the research carried out at Archipelagos into the invasive species on Lispi and the goals of their project.

I like how Archipelagos feels like a community. It is very social both during and outside working hours. Also, I have enjoyed accompanying the different teams on their surveys to see how the work varies. Observing what everyone is up to and what their research goes toward is a very rewarding experience.

Yassir Elbashir
B.A. in media production, Bournemouth University
On-site intern at Archipelagos’ Media Team

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