The Marine Conservation Team of Archipelagos Institute has started to use marine bioindicator species to monitor ecosystems of the littoral zone. Bioindicator species are species which only can sustain within high quality environmental conditions.
The use of Bioindicator Species is becoming of increasing importance as they can tell us more about the cumulative effects of different pollutants in the ecosystem. In addition, how long a problem may have been present, can be determined whereas physical or chemical tests cannot. Nowadays, this sort of tool provides important information about environmental conservation. In this project intertidal zones around Samos Island will be studied and will focus on the identification and observation of bioindicator species. Once identified, further work can focus on actions towards the conservation of areas which have high environmental quality conditions. In relation to this, we will be able to detect anthropogenic thriven changes and actions to stop and furthermore avoid them.
To raise awareness and to give researchers, students and citizens the chance to take part in our conservation efforts as well, a short photo-guide is in process of being created.
This guide will provide the reader with a short description of the species, photographs and what kind of pollution they can give information about.