In order to effectively preserve and manage different areas of the eastern Aegean, they need to be accurately identified. Unfortunately, the region has not been mapped in enough detail to allow this. During all field surveys, both marine and terrestrial, the paths, locations and relevant points of interest are marked and recorded so that a database of GIS material can be created. Participants of a GIS placement can expect to work on some of the following assignments:

  • Participating in fieldwork in order to log tracks, locations and points of interest on a GPS device.
  • Boat and kayak-based surveys for mapping Posidonia oceanica and coralligene reefs.
  • Creating maps for various in-house and external projects, using both raw and secondary GIS data.
  • GIS analysis of both marine and terrestrial habitats and ecosystems.
  • Collecting additional GIS information from external sources.
  • Creating “participatory GIS maps” based on the data collected from local communities.