The populations of Cuvier’s beaked whales in the waters of the North and Central Aegean are one of the most important recordings the past few days by the marine mammal research team of Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation.
It took us over 20 years of continuous presence in the Aegean to be able to achieve not only a close approach to this rare whale species, but above all a comprehension of their populations and how they are impacted by the multiple anthropogenic threats. It is noteworthy that in specific sea areas such as the waters of the North Ikaria Trench, in Archipelagos Institute we have recorded the continuous presence of Cuvier’s Beaked Whales for 21 years in the exact same marine region.
The beaked whales are out of the least known cetacean species globally, but also one of the most impressive.The knowledge gaps on this whale genus, is also due to the fact that while searching for their prey they can do deep dives, the deepest having been recorded at almost 3000 meters and with a longer duration of 3 hours and 42 minutes.

Despite the human stressors impacting increasingly marine and terrestrial ecosystems over the past decades, the fact that these large mammals continue to survive in our seas gives us great hope, but also reminds us of the great responsibility we all share in order for them to continue to survive.

By now it should have become clear to all that our survival depends on the survival of nature. Sterile campaigns are not only superfluous, but at our times are becoming dangerous as they are shifting the focus of the public in the wrong directions. The times we live in require real knowledge, perseverance and effective action.

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