Nonparental Infanticide in Colonial Eleonora’s Falcons (Falco eleonorae)

Steen, R., Miliou, A., Tsimpidis, T., Selås, V., Sonerud, G.A. Nonparental Infanticide in Colonial Eleonora’s Falcons (Falco eleonorae). Journal of Raptor Research 2016.   Abstract Recording behavior at nests of breeding raptors was traditionally accomplished by direct observations (Bildstein and Bird 2007), a time-demanding method for achieving continuous monitoring for extended periods. Video technology has […]

A European Concern? Genetic Structure and Expansion of Golden Jackals (Canis aureus) in Europe and the Caucasus

Rutkowski, R., Krofel, M., Giannatos, G., Ćirović, D., Männil, P., Volokh, A.M., Lanszki, J., Heltai, M., Szabó, L., Banea, O.C., Hayrapetyan, V., Kopaliani, N., Miliou, A., Tryfonopoulos, G.A., Lymberakis, P., Penezić, A., Pakeltytė, G., Suchecka, E., Bogdanowicz, W. A European Concern? Genetic Structure and Expansion of Golden Jackals (Canis aureus) in Europe and the Caucasus. […]

Combining Monitoring Approaches as a Tool to Assess the Occurrence of the Mediterranean Monk Seal in Samos Island, Greece

Pietroluongo, G., Quintana Martín-Montalvo, B., Ashok, K., Miliou, A., Fosberry, J., Antichi, S., Moscatelli, S., Tsimpidis, T., Carlucci, R., Azzolin, M. Combining Monitoring Approaches as a Tool to Assess the Occurrence of the Mediterranean Monk Seal in Samos Island, Greece. Hydrobiology 2022.   Abstract With a current global estimation of 600–700 individuals, Monachus monachus is […]

Vessel-based surveys as a tool to fill critical knowledge gap on Grampus griseus in the north-eastern Aegean Sea

Pietroluongo, G., Miliou, A., Tintore, B, Tsimpidis, T., Azzolin, M. Vessel-based surveys as a tool to fill critical knowledge gap on Grampus griseus in the north-eastern Aegean Sea. 2021 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea).   Abstract: Data on Risso’s dolphin are very scarce, possibly due to its wide-ranging […]

ClimateFish: A Collaborative Database to Track the Abundance of Selected Coastal Fish Species as Candidate Indicators of Climate Change in the Mediterranean Sea

Azzurro, E., Ballerini, T., Antoniadou, C., Aversa, G.D., Souissi, J.B., Blašković, A., Cappanera, V., Chiappi, M., Cinti, M-F, Colloca, F., Cvitković, I., D’Amen, M., Despalatović, M., Di Franco, A., Dimitriadis, C., Dragičević, B., Fanelli, E., Figuerola, L., Fortibuoni, T., Franzitta, G., Garrabou, J., Geloso, T., Ghanem, R., Gori, A., Hervat, M., Izquierdo-Muñoz, A., Linares, C., […]

Establishing a Protocol for Coastal Elasmobranch Biodiversity Assessments (CEBA)

Mühlenweg, Z., Moran Garcia, M., Macrina, L., Miliou, A. Establishing a Protocol for Coastal Elasmobranch Biodiversity Assessments (CEBA). Sharks International 2022.   Introduction Currently, fishing operations are the main sources of information on sharks in Greece. Social media and citizen science have also been tested as a tool to both inform the public and fill gaps […]

Is All Seagrass Habitat Equal? Seasonal, Spatial, and Interspecific Variation in Productivity Dynamics Within Mediterranean Seagrass Habitat

Ward, E., Aldis, C., Wade, T., Miliou, A., Tsimpidis, T., Cameron T. Is All Seagrass Habitat Equal? Seasonal, Spatial, and Interspecific Variation in Productivity Dynamics Within Mediterranean Seagrass Habitat. Frontiers in Marine Science 2022.   Abstract: Seagrass meadows’ ability to capture carbon through sequestering autochthonous carbon via photosynthesis means they could represent a potential nature-basedsolution to […]

Conflict analysis between commercial fisheries and common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the Dodecanese region, Greece

Janssen, S.E., Le Coz, J., Macrina, L., Grandjean, T., Miliou, A. Conflict analysis between commercial fisheries and common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the Dodecanese region, Greece. Fisheries Management and Ecology 2022.   Abstract Increasing depletion of fish stocks in the Mediterranean Sea intensifies conflicts between fisheries and marine mammals, such as the common bottlenose dolphin […]

Comparison of technical measures in the Aegean Sea to support harmonization of fisheries management policies

Dereli, H., Ünal, V., Miliou, A., Tsimpidis, T., Trompouki, I., Tosunoğlu, Z., Alexopoulos, K., Ulman, A. Comparison of technical measures in the Aegean Sea to support harmonization of fisheries management policies. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 2022.   Abstract The Aegean Sea features an important archipelago in the Eastern Mediterranean, consisting of 60 inhabited islands, more than 1400 […]