Conservation of the Small wetlands of the Aegean

The small wetlands of the Aegean are very important for the migratory birds, as well as for the fauna, flora and the enrichment of the groundwater table. Unfortunately many of these small ecosystems have been damaged, covered by soil, or left full of garbage, without having received the protection they deserve. With the aim to […]

Falcons Confuse Plastic for Food at an Uninhabited Aegean Islet

Research by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in cooperation with Archipelagos, records for the first time, Eleonora’s falcons (Falco eleonorae) providing plastic waste to dependent nestlings which is confused for food. An article about this phenomenon was published by the Greek newspaper H Kathimerini. 2/3 of the world population of Eleonora falcons migrate every […]

Cooperation of Archipelagos Institute with the International Airport of Samos

Archipelagos Institute recently started a cooperation with the international airport of Samos, aiming to contribute to the protection of the airport from wildlife and birds that may enter the area from the nearby wetlands. Samos airport, which serves a large number of international flights every week, was constructed many years ago, close to a wetland. […]

88 birds have been released back into the wild

Following the recent actions of Archipelagos Institute to combat songbird poaching in Greece, we received multiple incident report from citizens about cases of illegal capture and caging of large numbers of songbirds in homes, warehouses, business premises etc. Specifically, there were two incidents that we were able to confirm, for which we submitted official reports […]

Poaching Songbirds: A Continuous Environmental Crime

The poaching of songbirds is a chronic problem here in the eastern Aegean that Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation is working to combat. However, it happens throughout the whole of Greece, especially in areas where there is a strong migration of songbirds. This widespread, illegal and immoral smuggling has never been treated seriously by the […]

Interactive Environmental Education in Alyki salt marsh

Last Saturday, researchers of Archipelagos’ terrestrial team, organized a pilot educational programme in the salt marsh located in Aliki, Psili Ammos, in Samos. 35 students attended this educational day from various primary schools on the island. Our goal is that the students learn about the rare species that live in this particular wetland through various […]

Three buzzards released on the island of Samos

Researchers of Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation released three buzzards (species Buteo buteo)  in three different areas of the island after the birds had received several months of treatment by the ANIMA –  Wildlife Rehabilitation . 35 students from local schools together with their teachers, observed from a distance the release process. These buzzards were […]

A rare wetland in the Aegean region

The Salt Marsh Psili Ammos is a small, yet of great environmental significance, wetland located in SE Samos. More than 150 protected bird species, as well as several other rare fauna and flora species find there a safe shelter. Despite the fact that it’s been a Natura 2000 site for years, unfortunately no protection/management measures […]

Videos reveal the secrets of the Eleonora’s falcon

Published in ScienceNordic/ By Tommy Immanuel & Alvestad Wiik Every fall, Eleonora’s falcons nest by the Mediterranean, preying on migrant birds coming from the north. A Norwegian scientist has filmed the species over a long period to study the bird’s diet and activity. About four-fifths of the global population of Eleonora’s falcons (Falco eleonorae) nest […]

The beautiful flamingos returned to the Aegean

Flocks of Greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) returned a few days ago at the Psili Ammos Salt Marsh in South East Samos. The pink flamingos find safe haven in the wetland until they continue their migration in the spring. They stand out due to their pink colour, their distinct silhouette and can be 1.30 m in […]