Jackals in Samos Airport
This spring Archipelagos Institute started working with Samos International Airport to establish the population and distribution of the golden jackal (Canis aureus L.) in the airport area. We have been collecting data on the population, home range, activity patterns and use of the airport habitat. This information is used for the exclusion process that aims […]
Researching Fauna on Ikaria Island
Archipelagos’ Terrestrial Conservation Team is carrying out extensive field research on Ikaria Island on the highly biodiversity flora and fauna of the island. Monitoring aims to link past data of the research carried out on the island in previous years, and currently a series of monitoring surveys are ongoing since beginning of the summer. The […]
Information Points on Biodiversity at Samos International Airport
Last week marked the beginning of the first installation of informational points on the environment and biodiversity of the islands of Samos County at the island’s international airport. Our aim is to inform the over 250,000 passengers who pass through the airport every year of the unique biodiversity of Samos, which is considered the […]
Firefighting With Seawater: Effects on Soil Properties in Samos Island
The island of Samos is prone to wildfires during the summer months due to its hot, arid climate and dry landscape. A crew of workers inadvertently ignited a small fire on July 7th 2016, which quickly spread across the island, claiming nearly 780 hectares of pine forest as it moved southeast from Kamara to Mesokampos. […]
Population Assessment of the Mediterranean Chameleon
The Mediterranean Chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon) is one of only two existent species of Chamaleonidae in Europe. It can be found in the southern part of Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. Until a few decades ago, only a few parts of Greece supported populations of this species; namely the islands of Samos, Chios and Crete. Today […]
Golden Jackal Crisis
Within one week, 4 jackals of the species Canis aureus were found dead and 1 young was found injured on the island of Samos. It has to be noted that Samos is the only island of the Mediterranean which supports a population of the Golden Jackal. The reason for which these mammals are becoming so […]
Dumping of debris in important Aegean wetlands
Archipelagos’ Terrestrial Conservation Team is monitoring aquatic bird populations in the small wetlands of Samos island. A large number of rare and protected bird species find shelter here, as this area consists of ideal wintering, feeding and breeding grounds. Wetlands are particularly important in the spring and autumn migration period. The small, brackish wetlands of […]
Research on the Golden Jackal of Samos
Research Assessing the Dietary Preferences of Golden Jackals The Golden Jackals are opportunistic feeders, meaning that they will eat anything available, ranging from grapes and carobs to rodents and birds or even animal carcasses. The aim of this research project is to investigate the preference of seasonal and easy to find food, like carob or […]
The Mediterranean chameleon – our special neighbor in the Aegean
Archipelagos’ Terrestrial Research Team, is continuing for the 7th year the monitoring of the Mediterranean chameleon population on Samos island. Being aware of the rarity of the species and of the responsibility this brings, Archipelagos began to monitor populations of this rare species since 2009, combining field research with awareness raising efforts. The aim is […]
Monitoring the nesting behavior of the Eleonora’s falcon
For third successive year, Archipelagos Institute in cooperation with scientists from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, continues the innovative action of monitoring the nesting behavior of the rare Eleonora’s falcon (Falco eleonorae). Every spring they migrate from Madagascar to the Mediterranean and mainly to the Aegean, where 2/3 of the global population of this rare […]