Local Ecological Knowledge in the Aegean

Local Ecological Knowledge – what has recently been described by the scientific community as Local Ecological Knowledge – the knowledge about the environment that local island communities bring to us is an invaluable source of information that in Greece has been devalued for decades and nowadays we are in danger of losing it.  We are […]

Photo-ID & Behavioral Assessments of Delphinus delphis in the Northern Aegean Sea

Yasas! Intern Alannah from the Marine Mammal Field here, currently doing a three-month internship at the Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation. I’m currently pursuing a master’s in Marine Mammal Science at the University of Miami and have targeted a project directed towards behavioral assessment, delving into different subgroups of Delphinus delphis. My aim during my […]

Experiences After Work at Archipelagos

Hi, I’m Ella and I completed a 6-week internship on the terrestrial conservation team.  During my time with Archipelagos, I initiated a project monitoring the ferret populations.  Beyond my main project, I also had the opportunity to join boat surveys monitoring the marine mammal populations, getting the opportunity to learn and understand their work. I […]

Hands-on Projects with the Marine Mammal Research & Conservation Team

My name is Sjoerd and I am in the last year of my Pre-bachelor’s in environmentalism. During my 3-month internship, I have been allowed to start a project. This project revolves around creating a rig that can record cetacean behaviour with the use of the Soundtrap ST4300HF and the Insta 360° camera. Something similar does […]

Planting Underwater Gardens of Posidonia seagrass- a new innovative planting process

An innovative process of planting underwater gardens of Posidonia oceanica seagrass, was just completed in the southeastern Aegean Sea by researchers from Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation after 3 months of preparation. Given the rarity of the phenomenon of seagrass bearing flowers and fruits, this method of planting Posidonia seagrass has been applied only a […]

A special three-day research expedition to the Ikaria Trench

Archipelagos Marine Mammal Research team took part in a very interesting boat survey in the region of the Trench in the north of Ikaria island. This is a very rich biodiversity hotspot reaching 1400m depth, where there are still a lot of knowledge gaps to cover. This expedition, under ideal weather conditions allowed us to […]

Mutilated Striped Dolphin Stranded on the shores of Samos Island

A mutilated striped dolphin was found stranded on the north shores of Samos island. Its tail was severed and had a sharp piercing wound – evidence of its deliberate killing. Through assessing the weather patterns of preceding days and the distribution of striped dolphin populations in the region, it is estimated that this dolphin was […]