Seary, R., Apostolidis, X., Bintoudi, E., Shepperson, J., Jeffery, A., Miliou, A. Artisanal Fisheries Landings by Seabed Habitat in Fourni, NE Aegean, Greece. Rapport de la Commission Internationale de la Mer Méditerranée (CIESM) 2013.
Data on fishing activity and landings over different types of benthic habitats are presented for the artisanal fishing fleet operating in Fourni island complex (NE Aegean Sea, Greece). Coralligène (25 %) and rocky (20.69 %) substrates were the most targeted habitat types. Both biomass and species richness of landings by fishing trip did not differ significantly between the most highly fished seabed habitat types. Such information has important implications for the development of a successful spatial management plan of fisheries resources.